Home School Support
Practical Science Courses
Wychwood offers practical science courses for home educated pupils. These courses are designed to foster a love and curiosity for experimental work and aim to help pupils develop confidence and competence in the laboratory. The courses are run by our highly experienced teaching staff and at the end of the course pupils will receive a certificate detailing the practicals they have completed.
Key Stage 3 Practical Courses
At Key Stage 3, there is an afternoon class structured in 5 week blocks where pupils perform experiments around a particular scientific topic. It is not possible to join a 5 week course part way through, but it is possible to join at the start of a 5 week block. A 5 week block of lessons costs £140. This class is suitable for pupils in school years 7 and 8 (age 11-13).
Key Stage 4 Practical Courses
At Key Stage 4 there is a class that works on completing the AQA required practicals for GCSE. Each course lasts 10 weeks and focuses on Chemistry, Physics, or Biology. It is not possible to join a 10 week course part way through. The 10 week course costs £280. This course is suitable for pupils studying AQA GCSE sciences.
Please contact the school by emailing a.stacey@wychwoodschool.org if you would like to be notified about the next course available or if you have any questions.