
‘Asking for guidance helps you see what you may not be able to see. It is always important to check your ego and ask for help’. (Kenneth Blanchard)

Habits Of Mind: Applying past knowledge to new situations

I’ve always thought the emphasis on being self-sufficient is overrated. The emphasis should instead be about our interdependence with others. Often people may claim to be ‘self-made’, and they point to the significant effort that they have put into achieving their personal success or reaching their goals. That, of course, is essential but probe a little deeper and you are likely to hear about significant people who were contributory to achieving that success. There may even have been a particular mentor who gave them important guidance upon the way.

None of us achieve without a little (or a lot of!) help from our friends, family, teachers, faith leaders, sport’s coaches, etc. To fail to recognise this is disingenuous and shows a certain lack of gratitude for those who have helped us along the way. It may be that we have taken them for granted, and only when we no longer have access to them that we recognise the important part they have played in guiding us in our lives. Recognising their contributions is an important lesson and can help us realise that we do not need to face things alone, in fact there are people we can turn to for help and guidance and who are only too glad to help. Of course, sometimes we may be disappointed but setting ego aside and willing to admit our need of help will most often be rewarded and help us recognise our connectedness with others. In turn others will feel able to turn to us and we may offer help and guidance to them.


As we enter the examination season, I hope all our pupils will seek the guidance they need and that, combined with personal effort and determination, will take them a long way to achieving their goals.


Christine Crossley